I got a bee in my bonnet two years ago to make evening bags for Christmas presents. Being too cheap to buy a $20 pattern to make one, I looked all over the web for ideas. I really liked the metal frame type and finally stumbled on this tutorial on U-handbag, an amazing resource for supplies as well BTW. I hand-dyed some silk and created some stencils and-- voila (the two bottom pictures)! I loved how they turned out! I wanted to make some more after discovering Colorhue dyes (no steaming) and Photo-EZ screens. The dyes are super wonderful and so easy to use, overdying until getting the perfect color. I made the images for the screen by putting nandina leaves, sweet pea, and paper birds on my scanner. You can see the picture of the screen I made- exposed in the sun- easy peasy! Now, I just wonder when I'll be dressed up enough to use mine?! Have a great week!